Lee Newton (Bring The Funny, SourceFed) and Andrew Delman (UCB, Groundlings, The Comedy Store, The Hollywood Improv) are two comedians who happen to love not only cheese, but also each other. From this love, Favorite Cheese was born: the podcast equivalent of sitting around a pot of fondue and chatting it up with your best friends.
Tune in every Wednesday to navigate the journey of marriage and existence through the eyes of two truly bizarre and fun-loving human beings. From very deep and serious conversations about which fast food mascot has the most sex appeal, to why they can’t in all seriousness name their first child “Toast”- no topic is off the charcuterie board.
The most important part of this podcast is you. In need of some “Gouda Advice”? Have a crazy story you want to share on the show? Send your questions and quandaries to Cheese@favoritecheese.com
It’s time to sit back, relax, and set your mind at cheese – this is gonna be fun.